Get job settings based on job files

Get Company Project name from

Usually you have multiple XSI databases + maya projects + compositing files +...+...+... that rely to one of your projects at your company.

And usally you have a folder structure on your fileserver which reflects the project names.





Use this config setting to tell RR how to find your company project name.

This Name is needed if you want to use the History Database.

Get Sequence - Shot - Version from

The rrSubmitter is able to read the sequence, shot and version from your scene file.

Each part has three settings.

  1. A start string
    The sequence name that the rrSubmitter should read starts directly after this string
    If nothing is set, it starts with the first letter of the scene file name.
  2. An optional length value ###
    The length of the sequence name.
    If nothing is set, the sequence name stops at setting 3. or at the next point . or underscore _
  3. An optional end string
    The sequence name ends before this string
    If nothing is set, the sequence name stops at the next point . or underscore _



Sequence= A43 , Shot=34, Version=54


  1. s


  1. _sh


  1. _v


Sequence= 7 , Shot=0270, Version=0011


  1. _TR


  1. _


  1. _v


Sequence= A43 , Shot=34, Version=54


  1. (nothing)


  1. sh


  1. _v

Sequence Divide mode for 3D jobs

If you have a lot of jobs to render, then it is better that the rrServer send larger chunks to the clients.

If you do not have many jobs or just want that the first job in the queue finished faster, then change this setting.


Deassign client after x crashes

The server will automatically deassign a clients from a job if it crashed to often.

If the crashes of all clients are higher than the job setting "Max Crashes" then the complete job is disabled.

Deassign client after x times a limit was reached

The server will automatically deassign a clients from a job if it has reached a limit to often.

Limits are reached if either

  • a client renders more time than job setting "Max Render time".
  • the job takes more memory than the machine has. The clients aborts the job because of its config setting "Abort if system memory gets low".

If the number of limits reached of all clients are higher than the job setting "Max Limits"  then the complete job is disabled.

Wait time between sending jobs 

If a lot of clients get a job at the same time, then it could happen that your fileserver and/or network is on the limit.
There have even been cases in which the fileserver crashed if you had 40 clients reading the same 200 textures at the same time.
With this delay you can prevent clients from starting jobs at the same time.
After a client got a job, the server waits until the next client can get a job.

If you do not have any problems, then you can keep this value at the default of 0.

If you really need it, then do not set it very high.
Example of an issue:
You set it to 10 seconds.
You have 40 rrClients.
It takes 40*10s= 400s = 6.6 minutes for the rrServer to send jobs to all rrClients.
If your render time is now 5 minutes for a chunk, then you end up with some clients not rendering at all.