Some companies are using pre-installed images to install them on new machines or to run them on virtual machines.

E.g. .vhd, .iso or .img files.

It is possible to preinstall the rrClient on these images.

The installation is done as usual via the rrWorkstationInstaller before you capture the image.

Which files are installed?  Can I update RR?

RR does install the onto the local system only:

  • Service executable
  • Submission plugins
  • Start Menu shortcuts 

It does not install any of the main RR applications or stores any important information in the system itself.

Shortcuts will stay valid as they just link to the RR network folder.

The service get new features rarely and should work for many upcoming RR releases.

The submission plugins get new features and bug fixes and should be updated regularly (e.g. via Clients/Command Job in rrControl)


The rrClient starts and gets the machine name from the OS.

It then adds itself to the global clients.ini file if it does not exist yet.


There had been reports once that Windows had not changed the machine name before the RR service started.

Setting the service to "Automatic Delayed" solved the issue. If it does not solve it in your case, please let us know.