Cache Files for rrViewer 

See rrViewer for an explanation of cache files.

You can disable the cache file creation based on these parameters.

rrCreatevideo post-script (rrControl Q button)

RR offers post-scripts that you can enable for a job in rrSubmitter.

It will create a quicktime with all frames and an optional slate.

With these settings you can change the location of the generated quicktimes.


Job Preview Images: Multiply RGB by Alpha

If you render your images not pre-multiplied, then you should enable this setting to view your renderings right.

Create statistic images for jobs

These are the stat images you see at every job

Frame Checking

Windows rrServer only:

The rrServer has two ways to request a file list from a fileserver.

If you have a lot of files in a folder which are not from the main output, then the frame search gets slower.

Cost Calculation

Please read the help page rrProcessorSpeed for more information.

RR look

Changes the default appearance of RR.

Note: These settings can be overridden via commandline flags or render config files (e.g. if you submit from Nuke, then the rrSubmitter is always dark).



Run internal Daily Execute function at xx:00

The server and the client are executing some functions once a day.

You can decide at which time this happens.

Server Daily Execute functions are:

- Delete websites of non-existing jobs

- Create a backup of all config files

- Remove old files from an update.

Client Daily Execute functions are:

- Delete Temp folder

- Client time sync