rr builtin classes¶
Classes available in the python main namespace of RR applications
- class _rr_builtins_._crossBatch¶
Simple class to create batch/script files for multiple OS at the same time. It keeps a list of variables that will be replaced with their values if you save a batch file.
class _crossBatch functions:
Return Type
- add(str text)¶
Adds text to the current line
- addCommentLine(str text)¶
Adds a comment line to the script. This line is not executed.
- addCondition(str var1, str condition, str var2)¶
Adds an
`if var1 <condition> var2 then`
expression to the shell script. Do not forget to add the endif later! (seeaddConditionEndif()
Available values for the condition string are:contains
Whenever you use contains, you have to add an Else to your script. Otherwise RR marks the render as failed if the condition failed
- addConditionElse()¶
Adds an else condition to the shell script.
- addConditionEndif()¶
Adds an endif statement to the batch file.
- addEnd()¶
Adds a line end.
- addFlag(str text)¶
Add a commandline flag to the current line. It automatically adds “ “ around the flag.
- addLine(str text)¶
Adds the text to the current line and a line end.
- fileErrorMessage()¶
Returns the error message in case a save has failed.
- getOSFileName(int OS_id)¶
Return the batch filename for 1: Windows 2: Linux 3: Mac
- osVarAdd(str uni, str win, str linux, str osx)¶
Adds variables and values to the replacement list. the parameter uni should not include the surrounding < > that you use in your commandlines.There are already a few variables added by default:
- replaceOSVar(str str, int OS_id)¶
Replace occurrences of <VARIABLE_NAME> in str with the value of the variable defined for given OS_id: 1: Windows 2: Linux 3: Mac
- save(int OS_id)¶
Saves the batch file for OS with given OS_id: 1: Windows 2: Linux 3: Mac
- saveLx()¶
Saves the batch file for Linux. Returns false if the file could not be saved.
- saveOsx()¶
Saves the batch file for OsX. Returns false if the file could not be saved.
- saveWin()¶
Saves the batch file for Windows. Returns false if the file could not be saved.
- setBaseFileName(str filename)¶
Set the base path+filename of the resulting file. Do not include any extension.
- setEnvVar(str name, str win, str linux, str osx)¶
Set the environment variable name to the specified values.
- class _rr_builtins_._pythonGenericUI¶
Basic Dialog Window. You can add buttons, checkBoxes, lineEdits, etc.
myDialog = rrGlobal.getGenericUI() myDialog.addItem(rrGlobal.genUIType.label, 'infoLabel', '') myDialog.setText('infoLabel', 'Hello! This is a test UI') myDialog.addItem(rrGlobal.genUIType.lineEdit, 'myEdit', '') myDialog.setText('myEdit', 'Preset Text') myDialog.addItem(rrGlobal.genUIType.layoutH, 'btnLayout', '') myDialog.addItem(rrGlobal.genUIType.closeButton, 'Ok', 'btnLayout') myDialog.addItem(rrGlobal.genUIType.closeButton, 'Abort', 'btnLayout') myDialog.execute() editText=myDialog.text('myEdit') print('The text is', editText) if myDialog.value('Ok') == 1: print('OK was pressed') if myDialog.value('Abort') == 1: print('ABORT was pressed')
_pythonGenericUI in a rrSubmitter, OnSubmission script.¶
class _pythonGenericUI functions:
Return Type
- addItem(int type, str name, str layout)¶
Adds a new item. All items are identified by name. Please look
for IDs- addText(str name, str text)¶
For dropdown only. Adds new text items to the list.
- execute()¶
Displays the dialog until a close button was pressed or the window was closed [X].
- setText(str name, str text)¶
The name is used as display text as well if you do not overwrite it with setText(). If you have created a layout, you can add this item to the layout by its layout name.
- setValue(str name, int value)¶
spin: sets the value. button: 0 : not pressed. 1 : pressed.
- setValueMax(str name, int value)¶
For spin only. Changes the allowed range for the spinbox.
- setValueMin(str name, int value)¶
For spin only. Changes the allowed range for the spinbox.
- text(str name)¶
Get the text/caption/label of the item name. Probably used for lineEdits and dropDowns.
- value(str name)¶
The result differs depending on the object:
spin get the current value
button 0 : button was not pressed. 1 : button was pressed.
browse The user pressed the ‘browse’ button.
The user can still have changed the filename without using ‘browse’.
- class _rr_builtins_.rrCleanExit¶
- Raising this Exception will halt the script, but not the action to which the script was attached (e.g. submission for on-submission scipts).
All other exceptions and errors will halt the script AND its parent action.
This class is available in:
Example, switching between stopping a submission script or the entire submission in a rrSubmitter, on-submission script:
# Raising rrCleanExit inside a submission script halts the script, but not the submission def quit(abort_script=False, abort_submission=False) if abort_script: print('About to abort this script, but not the job submission') raise rrCleanExit() if abort_submission: print('About to abort submission: the job will not be sent to Royal Render') raise Exception('abort_submission was set to `True`')