Version |
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Main Changes / New Features (for a complete list of all changes, see this Changes page) |
12.02.25 |
Windows, Linux, OSX:
>>> Installer
>>> Update from 9.1.12+
>>> Update from 9.1.10+
>>> Update from 9.1.00+
>>> Update from 9.0.00+
>>> Update from 8.4.00+
>>> macOS rrSetup addon
| Total number of 25 changes
To view all changes, please take a look at the Changes List.
New rrJob setting to use all RAM for file caching.
Refined UI for changing the render app and plugin license count.
USD_StdA_single shares the license count of USD_StdA. Same for Mantra-single and Arnold-single.
12.12.24 |
Windows, Linux, OSX:
>>> Installer
>>> Update from 9.1.11+
>>> Update from 9.1.10+
>>> Update from 9.1.00+
>>> Update from 9.0.00+
>>> Update from 8.4.00+
>>> macOS rrSetup addon
| Total number of 14 changes
To view all changes, please take a look at the Changes List.
Improved Submission workflow
Abiliy to export .msi packages
15.11.24 |
Windows, Linux, OSX:
>>> Installer
>>> Update from 9.1.10+
>>> Update from 9.1.09+
>>> Update from 9.1.00+
>>> Update from 9.0.00+
>>> Update from 8.4.00+
>>> macOS rrSetup addon
| Total number of 38 changes
To view all changes, please take a look at the Changes List.
Support pythonSearchPaths.pth file.
Support BinaryFrameSet in xml file
Export and render .usd file with Arnold kick
25.10.24 |
Windows, Linux, OSX:
>>> Installer
>>> Update from 9.1.09+
>>> Update from 9.1.08+
>>> Update from 9.1.00+
>>> Update from 9.0.00+
>>> Update from 8.4.00+
>>> macOS rrSetup addon
| Total number of 33 changes
To view all changes, please take a look at the Changes List.
Important Fixes
The rrClient 9.1.09 was not able to verify .exr files if they have been missing R,G,B channel names.
rrControl has shown "Your user anonymous is not allowed to change the job.
rrControl crashed on Python initialisation.
Octane: Multiple changes for the Houdini Submission plugin and render configuration.
Preview, Post and Finished Script limit the rrJob setting "Required Memory" to 15 GB.
Katana: A new "Multiple Render" menu.
05.10.24 |
Windows, Linux, OSX:
>>> Installer
>>> Update from 9.1.08+
>>> Update from 9.1.07+
>>> Update from 9.1.00+
>>> Update from 9.0.00+
>>> Update from 8.4.00+
>>> macOS rrSetup addon
| Total number of 76 changes
To view all changes, please take a look at the Changes List.
Linux: New rrWorkstationInstaller setting to disable OverCommit to prevent system crashes.
More information
rrSubmitter: New button Estimate Render Rime. (Please let us know how it works out for you)
rrJob: New setting "Not allowed to be deleted" to prevent removal of long term jobs by mistake.
Render config: New setting RemoveFromLog_NotDebugVerbose
VRay: License counter changed to /VRay instead of /Maya/VRay or /Houdini/VRay
HistoryDB export option: Zip Render log files
Lock rrConfig: Option to automatically unlock for rrConfig/rrAdmin users
User with rrConfig right is not allowed to change rrLogins any more.
Client Setting: Deactivate. Online, but never takes jobs.
Client and Client preset table is seperated now
Client info: Show IP and WOL stats
Client Groups: Option to Hide in rrSubmitter or rrControl
Reduce log output if rrJob verbose mode is not "Debug"
Release version read and used (4.2.1 instead of just 4.2)
Uppercase/lowercase scene name issue on Windows
libPy: clientGetList retrieves hardware info as well
New job variables .infoExpected_FramePS, .infoExpected_DataCountBase, .infoRenderTimeSum_PS_disobeyReset
Client filter by name, status, os, ram, cores
Add enum for Client status ID
03.09.24 |
Windows, Linux, OSX:
>>> Installer
>>> Update from 9.1.07+
>>> Update from 9.1.06+
>>> Update from 9.1.00+
>>> Update from 9.0.00+
>>> Update from 8.4.00+
>>> macOS rrSetup addon
| Total number of 29 changes
To view all changes, please take a look at the Changes List.
Regression 9.1.07: Render app auto version change not working for all apps
8 bit png does not load if OCIO set
rrServer dailyStats: Add PS, Watt and Cost
Job: Cost via PS calculation bug (decimal shift)
RR modules for Python 3.11
Cloud modules updated
FFmpeg library updated
CreateVideo works on Rocky
Houdini: Shared Exe example
Houdini v20.5 with Karma XPU
22.08.24 |
| Total number of 51 changes
To view all changes, please take a look at the Changes List.
Apply view transform
Files colorspace and view transform shown in rrSubmitter
Nuke and C4D are supported now
HtoA: workaround for Arnold bug to be able to render single multi-frame .usd files. (Fixed in latest Arnold version, workaround disabled in RR for Houdini 20.5)
Support geometry export into single multi-frame file
Default render executable name set in render configs
New Youtube videos (uploaded soon)
Pre-Installed VM images for OpenVPN
rrCloudmanager available on MacOS now
Added support for our own file sync/caching server
SSH key support for AWS and GCC.
Multiple fixes
09.06.24 |
| Total number of 47 changes
To view all changes, please take a look at the Changes List.
OCIO support for preview images, rrViewer and rrCreateVideo.
Submission plugins of Maya, Houdini and Blender updated (more apps will come).
Color conversion from renderer/file color space to sRGB (View color space with next version).
Preview images and rrViewer caches state OCIO if applied.
Mantra and USD (husk) are using same shared network renderer plugin folder as Houdini.
PDG fixes
Re-execute parameter set to 30 or 31 days will always re-execute on the same day of month.
05.04.24 |
| Total number of 17 changes
- To view all changes, please take a look at the Changes List.
- Reset Job enables inactive jobs and asks to disable/enable if job is rendering.
- Local Exe caching speed improvement for large apps with many tiny files
- Linux rrPy modules are compiled without Qt lib dependencies
08.03.24 |
| Total number of 31 changes
To view all changes, please take a look at the Changes List.
- Bug Fix: AFX Jobs with "Distribute Start To End" might not render all frames
- Allow "Distribute Start to End" in combination with "Render Preview First"
- Server-Watch: Show latest logfile no matter if user has access to servers LocalData or not
Submission plugins
- Multiple fixes for C4D and Houdini
- New variable in job class: Job.disabledBecausOfErrors
29.01.24 |
Total number of 14 changes
- To view all changes, please take a look at the Changes List.
- Octane support
- New Husk rrJob options (Legacy Exr, enable procedurals)
After Effects
- New rrJob option Ignore Missing Footage
30.11.23 |
Total number of 116 changes
- To view all changes, please take a look at the Changes List.
- Cost based on Ghz*h was changed into based on PS*h (old Ghz cost column still available)
- Change PS*s into PS*h
- Any/Or filter as checkbox
- Job ID increased by one letter
- More layout settings saved (Job Info collapses, Client Filter)
- Reset disables job
- User information changed from window into bar
- Logfile links in Performance and Frames Rendered
- Right-click on first column to get link to job IDs
- Auto-Change job filter if job by ID requested
- Statistic image: Add total PS, change client count into client PS, add remaining time, add day time
- Client Table: Show last client Report time
- Client Table: Show if command is pending
- Client Table: Split network traffic into IN/Out and separate for each Cloud Client
- Increase max job count to display to 70 000
- Side-Layout for Filter and Commands
- Job queue update done in background thread
- Pick filter from job selection
- Create rrViewer cache files for jobs without Local Render Out
- UI: Job ID link to open rrControl
- Modules for Python 3.10
- rrSubmit: Add functions to set login if required
- SetLogin: Unicode user name support
Render configs and submission
- Houdini: USD fixes
- Houdini: Distributed Simulation fixes
- Houdini: Preset folder for 3rdparty packages
- Houdini: Filecache, rrDenoise rrDependency and PDG updated
- C4D: rrEnv fixes for Arnold and Redshift
- Maya: Kill APDClientService
- Remove preview jpeg and stat image creation (moved to rrClient and rrControl)<
- Disable html generation and ftp upload (use rrPigeonLoft instead)
- Always save jobs.db and logfile to local drive
- Event plugin: Fixes, SDK example, help updated, more triggers
22.12.22 |
Windows, Linux, OSX:
>>> Installer
>>> Update from 8.4.00+
>>> Update from 8.3.00+
>>> Update from 8.2.00+
>>> Update from 8.0.00+
17.11.16 |
Windows, Linux, OSX:
>>> Installer