App preference folder
Location: [RR]\render_apps\renderer_prefs
Some render Applications require preference files.
For example Maya to local the vector renderer or sometimes to even render an object.
Lightwave requires a preference file to find the plugins or to control the number of CPUs it uses.
By default, RR has some directories and example preference files in [RR]/render_apps/renderer_prefs.
These preference files are not used by simply being there, you have to tell your render application about the preference location.
This is done inside the Setenv Files.
Preference files are different at least for every major version of your render application.
Important Note, Local Copy:
By default RRender does not tell the render application to load the preferences from the shared [RR] network folder.
In the setenv files you find a line similar to this one:
%rrBin%rrCopy -oo -os %rrPrefs%%rrExeVersionMajor% %rrLocalPrefs%%rrExeVersionMajor%
This copies the render preferences to the local HDD of the client (only if the file has a different size than the local one).
A local copy has advantages:
- Shared prefs could rarely get corrupt if accessed by multiple clients at the same time.
- You do not need all preference files the render application creates. Most of the time only 2 preference files are required and important (a basic configuration and a plugin information).
So why store 30 files with preferences about UI, keyboard mapping, last project directory and this stuff on your fileserver?
Why search through all these files if you want to know the render settings you have set or if you want to change a render setting (And usally you don't have the right file in mind).