Plugin naming
You can name plugin files as you like. RR will not ignore any file.
But as you probably know a naming convention is always better.
Plugin order/sort:
At first, the plugin file name should start with 3 letters and two underscores.
E.g. m50__..., a54__..., z45__..., 234__..., asc__...
These three letters are used to sort the plugins. Nothing else.
Use all letters/numbers and keep some space more more plugins in between.
For example you have a plugin that needs to be executed first on submission, name it a50__....
If you now have a new plugin that needs to be executed before that, name it a40__...
Filter (hide plugins):
The next part is a filter.
If you want to see a plugin for 3D applications only, name it ...APP_3D....
Or for Softimage only ...APP_Softimage....
For your company project "CokeCommercial" ...PRJ_CokeCommercial...
If you use the the rrSubmitter or rrControl menu to create a new plugin file, it will ask you for all these filters.