Render Settings


Each frame has a separate scene file.

E.g. the client should render an archive sequence. like .ass,  .rib .mi. See last help section "Commandlines" above. 

E.g. or you process a frame sequence.


Only valid with sceneIsMultiFrame
The scene file name itself of the job is not an archive sequence. It is a single scene file for the whole sequence.

But the client still needs to execute the render commandline in a loop.

E.g. The client creates a .mi sequence from the Maya scene file and then renders the .mi sequence.

See render config file 3D02__Maya2008__CreateRenderMi.cfg for an example.


Only valid with sceneIsMultiFrame
If the render config has enabled Local Scene Copy, then RR copies all (scene) files to be processed to the local folder.

Some but denoise applications require neighbouring files to be available as well.

The value set for sceneIsMultiFrame_copyBordering is the number of frames +/- the client copies.


Only valid with sceneIsMultiFrame

If you have a scene file per frame, then RR loops the render command for each frame.

Some applications can process multiple frames at once and do not require to be executed per frame.






Each rrJob has a setting for the verbose level override.
According to your choice, one of these commandline flags is inserted into the main commandline for <verboseLevel>.


Commandline flags to render a region of the final image. Required for rendering in slices/tiles.


Required if you want to override the render resolution at the submitter.