Send Jobs

Of course the main duty of the rrServer is to send the jobs to the clients.

Each rrClient connects to the rrServer every x seconds to send its status and asks for a job to render.

The rrServer then chooses an job based on:

Job Based

  • Is the client de/assigned for a job (Deassigned because you have done it at submission or because it crashed)
  • Are there still frames left, that are not already send to a client. (The jobs framebar needs to have some white areas)
  • Job must not be disabled, in "first check" or in "wait for" state.
  • The priority of the job (preview render increases the priority +20, a script state has +10 priority) in this function.

rrConfig Based

  • Is the client privileged for a user/project/software.
  • If Client Averaging is enabled (default), then which user/project has the smallest ammount of clients.  (if the job has not set ultimate or lowest priority)
  • Has the user/project/software Exclusive Priority.
  • There has to be a free renderer license. (rrControl "Global Info" tab) 

If you want to check the real priority of a job based on job and rrConfig settings, then you have to select the job and a client in rrControl and execute "Show Servers Send Decision" via the menu Debug.

It shows you the internal priority with multiple number values.



The rrServer checks each job every x seconds (or if you use the command "Check Job").

The main purpose of the check is to search for frames that are rendered.

If some Preview Frames are done, then the rrServer creates jpegs for the rrWebsite and rrControl.

It also creates an additional entry for the job stats image and it updates the framebar image.


There are two kinds of job errors.

Errors that happen at the rrServer and errors that happen at the rrClient.

Most of the rrServer errors are disabling the job immediately.

If there are rrClient errors, then a Client is de-assigned after 3 (default setting) Errors.

And if the job has 20 Client errors, then the whole job is disabled.

Errors are displayed at the job table as a small triangle.

See Error Analysis for error types