Tutorial Videos

rrCloud - Cloud Connector Setup        

Complete Tutorial Playlist for AWS

1. rrCloudManager - Settings

1. Open rrCloudManager and go to Extras -> Settings.

2. Click on Add new Connector.

3. Connector Settings:

    • Cloud Provider: Select the provider you've created in chapter Basic Setup.
    • Low Priority: Low-priority VMs generally have a lower price, but AWS might stop these if needed for other tasks. The max price setting is omitted by AWS.
    • VM image: Enter the VM image file name. (If you like to use our demo image enter: rr-image-linux-centos-7)
    • VM Size: Choose you desired VM size according to your needs. You can find more details about VM sizes and pricing here.
    • VM Admin Username: Each VM requires a local admin account. Choose any name you like.
    • VM Admin Password: Password for the local admin account.
    • Max. VMs to start: This is the maximum numbers of VMs in this CloudConnector.
    • If you want to add your VMs to your companies domain, check Add VM to Domain.
    • rrClientService - User: Same requirements as with the local rrService user that you setup in rrWorkstationInstaller
    • rrClientService - Password: <YourPassword>
    • rrClientService - User domain: <YourDomain> (.\ for local user)