Start After

Start after a specific time.

Wait for Job...

This section allows you to select any existing job to wait for.

If you want to wait for jobs that you have inside the current rrSubmitter, then please use the "wait for pID" column in the table with the jobs.

Approve All Automatically

This disables the effect of the "Require Approval After" settings

Ignore Wait For Jobs

This disables the effect of "Wait for Job..."

This is a temporal setting and used for special Houdini jobs only.

Require Approval After Preview / All Frames / For Cloud

If you open rrControl, then you can see that each job has multiple approval checkboxes.

With these checkboxes you can control if a job should wait for an approval before it can continue to render.

There are 4 types of approval checkboxes:

After Preview

The job waits after it has rendered its Preview Frames.
Please see Preview Render for more information.

After All Frames

The job waits after it has rendered all frames and executed the Post-Render Scripts.
After you approve it, it executes the Finished Scripts. (e.g. to publish/upload files)

For Cloud

This approval is required to allow this job to render in the cloud.


Has no effect for RR.
Use it for whatever you like.
e.g. to tell the comp artist that all frames are right.

Wait For Job By Frame

By default, the "Wait for Job..." option enables a job after its parent jobs are finished.

In some cases this is not required.
A job must not wait for a parent job to completly finish, it just requires to wait for the frames.

For example: 
You use Houdini to export a sequence of 100 .usd files.
Once the parent job has created 10 .usd files, there is no reason not to start rendering these .usd files.

Important note: 
This settings requires this job and its parent job to have the same frame sequence.

Note that the "Waiting for" information in rrControl has changed and tells you how many frames the parent job has finished: