An rrApplication does not start/work: How to find the problem?

You have followed the steps to install RR, but you an rrClient or rrServer is not connecting/not starting/not working.
If the rrClient or rrServer does not start, then there are multiple ways to check what's going on.

1) Watch Application:
    Is the process running at all?

You have two ways to check if the rrClient or rrServer is running:

1) Please start the rrClientWatch or rrServerWatch on the machine where the rrClient or rrServer should be running.

This will start a tray icon which you can double-click to open the UI.

It will tell you if the client or server process was found or not.

Windows Example: Tray icons hidden in submenu

Windows Example: Tray icons Drag'N'Dropped into task bar

Instead of using the watch application, you can open the Systems Task Manager/System Monitor/Activity Monitor.

Windows: Open the tab "Details"

If you have installed the client or service as service, then there has to be an process rrAutostartservice. 
This application is the service/deamon and it should start the client/server and watch over the process.

Search for the processes rrClient, rrClientconsole or rrServerconsole.

2) rrApplication log files:
    Did it start at all some time ago? Did it automatically close? 

If the rrClient or rrServer have been started (and they can write to the RR network folder), then they write their app log file into [RR]\sub\log\ .

Even if they close at startup because some important function failed, they should start the log and write the error into that file.

If there is no log from the current time at all, then they have not been able to start or have no write access to that folder.

If they cannot write to the [RR]\log folder, then please check the local folder for a log file (c:\RR_localdata\,  Users/RR_localdata, /usr/local/RR_localdata )

3) rrAutostart Service log files:
    Did the service report an error?

If you have installed the rrClient or rrServer as service/deamon, then please check the service installation directory.

By default the path is C:\Program files\RoyalRender (windows) or /usr/local/RoyalRender (Linux, OSX).

If the service had any issues starting the rrClient/rrServer, then there will be a file named rrAutostartservice_Errors.log.


The file can be older, please check the time/date of the log messages.

Debug service log:

If there is no error message, then you can tell the service to report all steps that it does.

Edit the file rrAutostartservice.cfg and change

WriteLogFile = 1

If you now restart the service/machine, it will print detailed information about what it does.

(Note: the service waits 20s after its start before it does anything )

Remember to reset that change after you are done finding the problem.

Possible errors:



What to do?

Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password

The user/pass that you have setup for the service does not work any more.

Use the rrWorkstationInstaller to reinstall the service.

Source file does not exists! 

The service can not access the fileserver or the folder.

Please check the rrService user you have set for the rrService. The user is shown in rrAutostartservice.cfg as loginUser=.

Please confirm that this rrService user is known to your fileserver. If you want to change the user, please use rrWorkstationInstaller.

Please try to login on the machine with the rrService user. Windows can show an advanced error message why the user cannot login.

For more information and debugging service users, please check this page.


4) Manual Start:
    Does the app start at all?

If there is an issue with the client not starting, then try to start it manually in application mode.

Start rrClient, rrClientconsole or rrServerconsole.

Do you see any error messages? Can it connect?


Sometimes you need to set your security settings for the network,

Open the Windows Explorer, enter the UNC path for RR. Try to start RR\bin\win64\rrControl.exe.

Do you get a security warning? If you do, please check this page.