Error List

1. Open the Job Log page in rrControl.

(Select the job and click on the tab "Logs")          

2. Click on "Errors" on the left side.

This is a list of all recognized errors that happened at the job.

Typical error messages:



What to do?


Reasons for this issue:

  • The renderer executable crashed completely
  • The client has found an error message inside the log file which indicated an severe render issue 

You have to take a look into the render log files to find the origin of the crash.

If the renderer executable crashed, then it will be printed in the log file after the main render phase. The information is inside a block of ++++ and starts with "++ Render Executable done ++"


Reasons for this issue:

  • The render application freezed. It does not continue to render, it does not close, it does not use any CPU. It simply sits there doing nothing
  • The render application opened a dialog box and waits for someone to click a button on the dialog box. (Windows: The client can handle these dialog boxes, but there can be some dialogs the client was not informed about. ) 

Windows: If the renderer opened a dialog box, then it is shown at the end of the render log.

Output Directrory not found

Reasons for this issue:

  • You are probably using a local harddrive to output your renderings. And this path is not accessible by the client/server.
  • You are using a network path, but the permissions are wrong for that path.
  • Your Fileserver is XP, Vista or Win7. And you are using more than 4 machines connected to the fileserver. See fileservers event log for messages.
  • The rrService user was not added to the list of user at your Fileserver/NAS
  • You are rendering cross-OS and the path is not set in the OS conversion table in rrConfig. 

To test it, please login at the client (The client with this error). Start rrControl (or rrWebsite). Select the job and open the "Job Info" tab. Click on the output file. It will open the folder where the rendering should be saved into.

Note: If you are running the client as service, then it can be that you have to login with the User for rrService. The one you have used in rrWorkstationinstaller to install the service.

You probably have to change the output path in your scene file to a network path that can be found and accessed by all clients.


If the rrServer can not reach the output directory, then the rrServer logs this error for the job. The rrServer checks again in 120 seconds or if a client returns the job (what happens earlier). If this happens 3 times, the job is disabled and will not be send anymore.

Job send 3 times more than frames exist

No frames found

The server has send the job multiple times to clients.

But there is still nothing or not all frames rendered or the server does not find the frames (if there are files rendered).

Reasons for this issue:

  • The job was send with a wrong output path that does not match the output path in the scene.
    You find new frames, but the server does not find them.
  • There is an issue with the scene/renderer. The renderer is started but does not output any frames. Perhaps there have been some frames rendered, but some simply won't render. 
  • As you find new frames, but the server does not, you simply have to compare the image path+name+extension of the frames you find and compare it with the output name of the job. Usally jobs are send with the help of Submitter Plugins or Scene Parsers. These should automatically set the output path at the rrSubmitter for you. If you had to manually write the output path, then you need to set it right next time. Or use a Submitter Plugin if available. (check the help section Renderer/YourRenderer)
  • Please check the last render log files of the job.
    Is there any information that the renderer has written a frame?
    Is there any information that the renderer completed its task? 
  • If it is not possible to set the right output path, then you can enable "Do not check for frames". (not recommended)

A frame was send more than 25 times. Frame removed from job.

The rrServer has send a frame to clients 25 times. 

And the frame is still not rendered.

Therefore the rrServer skips this frame until you reset the job.

Please check the render log file list of the job. (see next section).

If it is on purpose that the job does not render frames, you can enable the job option "Ignore Crashes".

Render application not found

A client got a job, but the client does not know where to find the render application executable.

Please see help section Troubleshooting/Submission

No GPU assigned for job thread

The job has the option "GPU required" enabled.
But there is  no GPU assigned for the job thread in the clients config.

Please open rrConfig. 
Left menu Clients, tab "Per Client".

Open the group „Hardware CPU/GPU“ in the middle.

Does "GPU" state the right number of GPUs in the machine?

If RR has not set a GPU and you know that the machine has a GPU, then please set it to 1.

Then open tab „Job Threads“ and check GPU 0 for your job threads.