1. Create an account

If you do not have a Amazon AWS account yet, you can setup an account here:

2. Add cloud provider to rrCloudManager

1. Open rrCloudManager

2. Goto "Extras -> Settings..."

3. Click "Add new provider, e.g. "AWS"

3. Configure new AWS cloud provider



Value or Action


Provider Type

Provider Plugin

Plugin Name


User ID

Your AWS user ID

  • Create user here, e.g. "royalrender" https://console.aws.amazon.com/iamv2/home#/users
  • Go your newly created user
  • Click tab "Permissions" and add these permissions:
    AmazonEC2FullAccess, AmazonVPCFullAccess
  • Click tab "Security credetials" and click "Create access key"
  • Select "Other" and click "Next"
  • Enter an optional description and click "Create access key"
  • User ID is the 20-character "Access key"
  • Key is the hidden "Secret access key"
  • Save your credentials somewhere safe, since the "Secret access key" is only showed once

Project ID


Key File



Enter your AWS key

see "User ID" above, Key is the hidden "Secret access key"

Test Connection / Load ...

Click and wait few seconds until available locations are populated

Cloud Location

Select your specific cloud location, e.g. "eu-central-1c"

Load available VM sizes ...

Click and wait few seconds until available vm sizes are populated

Virtual Network


Value or Action


VNet Resource group

Keep default, only change when necessary

VNet Name

Keep default, only change when necessary

Subnet IP Range

Keep default, only change when necessary

Render Subnet IP Range

Keep default, only change when necessary

Render Subnet Name

Change only if you want to manage your own VPN solution


Keep default, only disable if you want to use your own VPN solution

OpenVPN Tap Device Name

Keep default, only change when necessary

VPN Subnet IP Range

Keep default, only change when necessary

VPN Client Subnet IP Range

Keep default, only change when necessary

VPN Local Network IP Range

Set to your local network IP range, e.g.


Select your desired OpenVPN-Server size, e.g. "t2.large"

VPN Image


VPN Username

The admin user you want to use for the OpenVPN-Server, e.g. rruser

VPN Password

The admin password you want to use for the OpenVPN-Server

VPN SSH Key File


RR settings


Value or Action


rrRoot Network Path (SMB)

Keep default, only change when necessary

rrRoot Network Path (NFS)

Keep default, only change when necessary

Cloud Manager IP

Keep default, only change when necessary

Clients per Storage

Keep default

Storages per Res Group

Keep default



Value or Action


Domain URL

Your Active Directory domain controller URL

Organizational Unit (OU)

Your AD organizational unit

Domain Admin Username

Your domain admin username

Domain Admin Password

Your domain admin password