Tutorial Video

There is a tutorial video available for this topic:

     rrBhutan - Azure Create VMs

1. rrConfig

  1. Start rrConfigCloudManager and open the settings dialog (Extras -> Settings).
  2. Click on Add new Connector.
  3. Connector Settings:
    • Cloud Type: Azure (ARM)
    • Cloud Location: Select the location of your datacenter, eg. West Europe.
    • VM Storage: Enter the name of the storage where your VM image resides in. (If you like to use our demo image enter: royalrenderpublic)
    • VM storage key: Only necessary when this is no public storage.
    • VM image filename: Enter the VM image file name. (If you like to use our demo image enter: royalrenderdemo.vhd)
    • VM Size: Choose you desired VM size according to your needs. You can find more details about VM sizes and pricing here.
      We have not yet completed our speed tests, but there are some benchmarks related to price and cores available like this one:
    • VM Admin Username: Each VM requires a local admin account. Choose any name you like.
    • VM Admin Password: Password for the local admin account.
    • Max. VMs to start: This is the maximum numbers of VMs in this CloudConnector.
    • If you want to add your VMs to your companies domain, check Add VM to Domain.
    • rrClientService - User: Same requirements as with the local rrService user that you setup in rrWorkstationInstaller
    • rrClientService - Password: <YourPassword>
    • rrClientService - User domain: <YourDomain> (.\ for local user)

Azure - VM creation explanation

The first time you start this instance, RR copies the image and creates a VM.
The OS of the VM is initialized (which takes 1-2 OS restarts. Joining a domain takes another restart).

NVidia drivers preinstalled on the system are installed for each GPU.

The VM is a complete instance in Azure.
If the VM is stopped & deallocated, then the HDD image is saved in Azure.

A 60GB image on a default Azure storage costs about 1-2€ (1-2$) per month. 

All data that you or RR copies to the VM is kept. (Textures, Blender, Redshift, Arnold, Nuke, ... )
All system settings are kept. For example domain/AD settings.

The following times you start the VM, the saved image is copied to the VM hardware and directly started.

Which is then way faster than the first time.

Note: To delete all VMs with their images, just delete the Resource Group with the VMs of this rrCloudConnector.

The rrCloudManager can re-create them the next time you start this rrCloudconnector.