Sort Client List

You can sort and remove clients from the list via this table.


If a client starts, then it adds itself to the list.

So if you want to delete a client, then you have to be sure the client is not running any more.

Deinstall the service/deamon on the machine and shut it down if it is running via its menu.

Local Textures

See rrTerms/Local_Data_Folder for a description of Local Textures.

With these settings you can control how many days the textures are cached and how many free drive space should be kept (for rendering, the artist logged in and for new software installations). 

Wake on Lan

Wait x seconds between WOL

The Server has a delay between auto-WOL of Clients. Waking up all clients at the same time can be a problem with the power supply architecture.

WOL if more than x clients needed

The server will wake up new clients if the current jobs require more than x clients to finish. See current WOL client need on the rrWebsite (client table) or in rrControl (global info tab)

WOL port

You sometimes require to change the WOL port that your switches send them to all other machines. If WOL is not working, try port 80.

Subnet mask

The subnet mask of your network. It has to be the same as in your machines TCP/IP config


Use Server IP for connection (instead of Server Name)

You can decide how the rr Applications try to connect to the rrServer. This can be either via

  • IP:

      This is the better method. But your rrServer requires to have a fixed IP. (not a dynamic DHCP IP)

  • Name:

      The name needs to be resolved into an IP. If the client fails to resolve the name into an IP, then it cannot connect to the server.

A client connects every x sec. to Server

Each client connects to the server in invervals. You can set the delay time via this setting.

A client can get commands/jobs only at the time it connects to the server.

Server TCP/IP Port

Port used for all RR communication.

If you use a firewall inside your network, please open this port. (of course this port should be closed at your firewall to the internet)

Network adapter to listen for connections

By default the rrServer asks the system to get all TCP connections with the RR port on any network adapter it has installed.

You can restrict the network adapter in case you want to restrict the rrServer to one network.