Windows 10 version 1803+ (April 2018+): Disable automatic reopening of apps on reboot

If the machine restarts due to updates, it re-logins and re-opens all applications that had been opened by the artist.

As this interferes with the rrClients "is someone logged in?" detection, working hours might not be disabled after a restart.

But working hours should be disabled as the artist itself has never logged in after the restart.

To disable this Windows setting, go to Settings > Accounts > Sign-In Options.

Then disable the option "Use my sign-in info to automatically finish setting up my device and reopen my apps after and update or restart."

Enable Ping

Some Windows versions are blocking ping by default.
To debug issues and find offline rrClients, you should allow to ping your machines.

Enable administrative shares

Administrative shares are automatic created shares of your drives. They are named \\machine\c$, \\machine\d$ ...

They are really helpful to debug issues.

They are not visible in the Windows explorer.
They can only be accessed by an admin user of the machine (or domain admin).

The source and target machine should both be in the same Windows workgroup or domain.

Windows 7/10:

Open "Allow a program or feature through Windows firewall"

Allow file and printer sharing:

Windows Server 2012:

Open a cmd.exe terminal and enter this commandline:

netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group=”File and Printer Sharing” new enable=Yes

Samba + rrClient Service

Problem description:

You are not using domain accounts.

You can access your samba (Linux or OSX) when you login at your windows (7/8) workstation.

If you start the client manually, there is no error.

But if you start the client as service, the client cannot access the fileserver any more.


You have to open the Local Security Policy via the windows system control. (or you can type "secpol.msc" as executable to run at the windows start button)Please change the "Network security: LAN manager authentication level" settings on your windows station to "Send LM & NTLM responses":