Autodesk licenses

There are two types of Autodesk licensing:

  • Floating license server
  • User login based licensing

Floating licenses with license server

If you have not setup the license server yourself on each machine, then you can define 


in one of the setenv inhouse files of RR:

Arnold Standalone (render .ass files)


Arnold/HToA plugin used in Houdini






A # in front of the line disables the line.

User login licenses

1) You have to login at the machine with the same user you use for the rrClient.

If you have forgotten the user name that you have set for the service, then you can take a look at any render log file of any job:

E  0|  ++++++++++++ Environment +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 

E  2|  rrClient application is running with user dd 

E  3|  Render environment user is     dd 

2) Now you need to login into Autodesk to assign the license to this user/machine.

Maya Note: 
A Maya license is not required if you render maya scenes with Arnold.
The Maya batch executable does not require any license itself, only the renderer requires a license.

Arnold Notes:
Arnold within the Maya UI does not require a license as it is included with the Maya license.
But if you want to batch render, then no Maya license is used (see above) and you have to assign an Arnold license to the machine.
Arnold requires a separate login.

For further instructions, please refer to the Autodesk help page Signing In to Activate Single-User Arnold.

In case the web page goes offline, this is a copy of the text:

If you use Maya or 3ds Max, you can Sign In in those applications, but you'll still need to use the Arnold License Manager to register Arnold for single-user licensing.

And, depending on whether you also use network/floating/multi-user licensing, you may need to switch to single-user licensing.

  1. Open the Arnold License Manager (in the Arnold menu for your Arnold plugin, click Licensing > Arnold License Manager)
    Royal Render note: You can find this application in the Arnold plugin folder on your disk as well.
    e.g. C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Arnold\maya2024\bin\ArnoldLicenseManager

  2. If you don't see a Single-user tab, click License > Switch to Single-user Licensing

  3. If prompted, install single-user licensing and register Arnold.

  4. Click Sign In and enter your Autodesk ID and password.

  5. You'll see the status of your single-user license. Happy rendering!

Debug licensing issues


Test Arnold license

If Arnold is used as a plugin in some other main render application (Maya, Houdini, 3dsmax), then it might be difficult to get a good error report.

But you can test the Arnold license with this command:

Linux/mac: kick -i /dev/null

Windows:   kick -i NUL

Look for the [clm] authorized   or   [rlm] authorized  or   rendering with watermarks because of failed authorization.

For further information about any error code, please continue reading with this help page to the end.

If you want to test it within a Royal Render job, then you can enable the license test within our setenv/rrEnv files.


Please edit [RR]\render_apps\_setenv\all\maya__inhouse.rrEnv with baEnvFile_Editor (or a text editor).

Change the value of RR_MTOA_LICTEST to 1.

Submit a job and open the render log file in rrControl.

Search for a line like   ARNOLD Autodesk CLM , RLM license check.

Any other

Please edit the file setenv inhouse file of the render application you use.
They are located in \render_apps\_setenv\all\

Add the lines:
        echo * ARNOLD Autodesk CLM , RLM license check

        [If] <rrExeOS>  [==] win

            [Exec] "<RR_MTOA_BASE_LOCAL>\bin\kick" -i NUL


            [Exec] <RR_MTOA_BASE_LOCAL>/bin/kick -i /dev/null


<RR_MTOA_BASE_LOCAL> has to be replaced with the path to your Arnold plugin.

License Registration

If Arnold is using the Autodesk license (ADSKFLEX_LICENSE_FILE) and this clm authentication is failing with Product Key Not Found (44),
then you have to register the Product in your local Autodesk license server.
Otherwise the license server does not know that this software is an Autodesk product that requires a license. (Stupid, I know...)

The Autodesk license has to be registered in the Product Information file (aka the PIT file).
If this is not done, then CLM returns the error    Product Key Not Found (44) .

Clients using Arnold as a Shared Executable will need to run the product registration before their first use. 

Arnold version less 5.3:
To register Arnold on all clients using RR:

    • Locate the file pitreg.exe in the Shared Exe folder, locations are [arnold]\pit\pitreg.exe, or [arnold]\license\pitreg.exe.
    • Launch rrSubmitter, click Load Scene File, use the file browser to open the pitreg executable.
    • Choose OnceEachClient as renderer, and assign the job to the Arnold clients.
    • Submit the job.

Arnold version 5.3 and later (Autodesk products "2022"):


  • Create a batch file with the commandline:
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\AdskLicensing\Current\helper\AdskLicensingInstHelper.exe" register --pk C0PN1 --pv 2022.0.0.F --lm NETWORK --cf "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Arnold\maya2022-\license\ArnoldConfig.pit"
  • Change the path to the .pit file in the commandline according to the MtoA path that you use.
  • Launch rrSubmitter, click Load Scene File, use the file browser to open the pitreg executable.
  • Choose OnceEachClient as renderer, and assign the job to the Arnold clients.
  • Submit the job.

As you have to use sudo, it may not be possible to run this command via RR.
The commandline you have to use is:
sudo /opt/Autodesk/AdskLicensing/Current/helper/AdskLicensingInstHelper register --pk C0PL1 --pv 2020.0.0.F --lm NETWORK -cf /opt/Autodesk/arnold/maya2019-4.2.0/license/ArnoldConfig.pit

You could be able to use this commandline in a .sh shell script and pipe the password to sudo. 
$echo <password> | sudo -S <command>

Then follow the description for Windows to send the shell script to your farm.

Any Autodesk product

If the the Autodesk License application returns an error with the license, it does not tell the Autodesk Product (Arnold, Maya, 3dsmax) why the license failed. (Stupid, I know...)

So you have to check the log file of your local Autodesk License App.


If you need more information about the issue, then you have to open the Adlm.log file:

  • On Windows, look in %LOCALAPPDATA%\Autodesk\Logs
  • On OSX, look in $TMPDIR
  • On Linux, look in /var/tmp

Common VendorError values are


Licensed number of users already reached


No such feature exists (no Arnold licenses on license server)


Cannot connect to license server system.

The server (lmadmin or lmgrd) has not been started yet, or the wrong port@host or license file is being used, or the TCP/IP port or host name in the license file has been changed.


License server machine is down or unreachable


Arnold not registered in pit file.


Unable to locate the Product Information Table File.

You'll also see "AdlmIntError=41 [Product Information Table file is not found] "


Corrupt ProductInformation.pit file