Scene+Assets size/load speed


It is possible to find out:

  • which files are loaded by an application
  • when files are loaded
  • how long it takes to load the files
  • the total size of all files by folder or extension

This can help you to debug why it takes a lot of time until a scene starts to render.

Or to debug why a scene creates a high network traffic.

Analyse external file access

Please follow these steps:

  • Download the application Process Monitor from Microsoft:
  • Extract the zip into the folder [RR]\bin\3rdparty\win_ProcessMonitor\
  • Start the application Procmon64.exe
  • Execute menu File/Capture Events to disable the capture for now (Or use the third icon in the icon bar)
  • Execute menu Edit/Clear to clear the window (Or use the trash bin icon)
  • Execute menu File/Import Config and import the file %RR_ROOT%\bin\3rdparty\win_ProcessMonitor\ProcmonConfiguration.pmc
  • Execute menu Filter/Filter... to open the filter settings.
  • Right at the to you see the file "maya.exe". 
    Double-click on it and change "maya.exe" at the top to the executable you want to watch over
    Click on "Add"
    Click OK to close the filter settings
  • Start Maya (Or any other application you have set) and wait until it has loaded all plugins.
  • In Process Monitor execute menu File/Capture Events. 
    You see some status message at the bottom counting events.
  • Open the scene in Maya.
    You will see new messages in Process Monitor.
    It will show you all files that have been accessed by maya.exe
  • Render a frame in Maya.
  • In Process Monitor execute menu File/Capture Events to disable the capture (Or use the third icon in the icon bar)

Results A: File access with time

Now you have a list of all files that have been accessed for the scene.

And when they have been accessed.
This way you can find out if a file or a folder is reponsible for a long load time.

Result B: File sizes by folder and file type

  • Execute menu Filter/Filter... to open the filter settings.
  • Remove the 2 filters with the value "Generic Read" and "Create File".
    Click OK to close the filter settings
  • Execute menu Tools/File Summary
  • Click on "By Folder" or "By Extension" at the top.


Please open a terminal and run

sudo fs_usage | grep -i <processName>