You can use the rrSubmitterconsole to submit jobs without any UI.
It is completely commandline-based.
You have multiple ways to specify all required scene informations:
The rrSubmitterconsole can read the .xml files that are written by all submission plugins (e.g. the ones inside Softimage, Maya or Max). So you can modify the submission plugins slightly and get a silent submit without any UI. Use the .xml file instead of the [Scene] parameter at the commandline. |
2. Scene parser |
If you use a scene format which is supported by an scene parser plugin ([RR]\plugins\submitter_sceneparser\), then RR will read all information via this scene parser. |
3. Commandline Flags |
All Scene Information can be set via commandline flags. You can also combine it with 1. or 2. to overwrite specific settings. |
Fast startup
rrSubmitterconsole starts faster with our rrStartlocal tool.
It is highly recommended to use rrStartlocal.
It uses a local copy of the rrSubmitterconsole and some config files.
Execute one of these command lines to use rrStartlocal:
%RR_ROOT%/bin/win64/rrStartlocal rrSubmitterconsole [rrSubmitterconsole flags]
%RR_ROOT%/bin/win64/rrStartlocal -hide rrSubmitterconsole [rrSubmitterconsole flags]
Commandline flags
rrSubmitterconsole [rrJob xml/ Scene] [Scene] [Scene] [rrSubmitter Flags] [Scene Information] [Submitter options] [-debug <SubmitterOption>]
Multiple Scene files:
It is possible to parse multiple scene files.
The scene files have to exist.
All [Flags], [Scene Information] and [Submitter options] have to be placed after the scene file names.
With or without - (minus) in front of the commandline flag ?
A - (minus) is used for [rrSubmitter flags] and the basic [scene information] flags
Overrides for the [Submitter options] have the same syntax as in the submitter config files. Therefore these have no - in front
Using quotation marks ("):
If you use spaces inside a flag, then you need to use quotation marks " at front and end of the flag.
Do not use quotation marks in the middle of a parameter.
Short name: Each commandline parameter has a long and short name.
The short name is the combination of all upper-case letters.
The first commandline flag has to be the scene name.
If the scene extension is known by a sceneparser plugin, the plugin will read the file.
Note: If you do NOT want that the submitter tries to read the scene, use the flag "-NoAutoSceneRead"
The scene file can be a .xml file like the ones that are created by all submission plugins.
(This way you can easily submit scenes automatically, you just have to copy and modify the submission plugins)
These flags only change the behavior of the submitter, but have (almost) no influence one the submitted job.
Available flags are:
Readable/Long flag |
Short flag |
Description |
-NoAutoSceneRead |
No not try to read the scene file with a scene parser plugin. If you set this flag, then you have to tell RR all informations about the scene via the Scene Information flags. |
-AutoDeleteEnabled |
-ADE |
Delete all rendered frames before submitting the job(s). |
-AutoOverwriteEnabled or |
-AOE |
Sets the job to overwrite any existing frames. |
-DoNotSearchForFrames |
By Default the rrSubmitter checks if there are already some output frames in the output folder. |
-NoSceneExistCheck |
The submitter does not check if the scene file exists. |
-SendLayerOnly "layerName" -SendLayerOnly layerNumber |
-SLO |
By default the submitter sends all layers to the server. If you define -SendLayerOnly "MyLayerName" it will only send this layer. You can either specify the name of the layer or the number of the job in the rrSubmitter list. 1=first job, 2=second job.... |
-SendRendererOnly "RendererName" |
-SRO |
Restricts the rrSubmitter to send only jobs with this renderer name. Does not work if you have used SendLayerOnly with a layerNumber. |
-SendChannelOnly "ChannelName" |
-SCO |
Restricts the rrSubmitter to send only jobs with this channel name. Does not work if you have used SendLayerOnly with a layerNumber. |
-Wait |
Waits a few seconds after the submission was done. This is for testing purposes to see the submission results in case the command prompt sindows closes directly after submission. -Wait is stackable (two flags -Wait wait twice as long) |
-NoDriveToUNC |
Windows only: Do not resolve drive letters into UNC paths. |
-NoOutFolderCreation |
The rrSubmitter will not try to create the output folder of the job. |
-SetOutFolderUserRights |
The rrSubmitter will modify the user rights of the output folder of the job. The folder gets read/write access for all users. Windows: Inherited permissions are kept. |
[Scene Information]
The submitter requires informations about the job, e.g. software to render or filename of the rendered frames.
If you do not specify an information, a default value will be uses (in most cases an empty value)
If the submitter has read the scene via a scene-parser plugin, then these parameter overwrite the informations read from the scene.
These parameters and values are the same as in the .xml files created by every submission plugin.
We recommend that you use .xml submit files instead of long commandlines.
This way you can submit multiple layers/jobs at once and it is easier to debug.
Long name |
Short name |
-SceneOS <value> |
-SOS |
The format of all texture and image paths in the scene. Possible values are: win, lx, mac. |
-DataBase <value> |
-DB |
Database directory of the scene (also called Project or Content directory in your 3D application). Only required for Maya, XSI and Lightwave. |
-RenderLicenses <value> |
-RL |
Used to count the licenses of the render application (e.g. Maya), renderer (e.g. Arnold) and plugins (e.g. YETI). Separate multiple names with a semicolon. License names can be seen or added in rrConfig, tab Render Licenses. For examples please submit a job from Maya, Nuke, ... . At the rrSubmitter, open "Scene Settings" at the top, 4th row, right side. |
-Camera <value> |
-C |
-Channel <value> |
-CN |
-Layer <value> |
-L |
-ImageFilename <value> |
-IF |
It can be either the pure filename without a folder and extension, but then you need to specify the folder with -ImageDir and -ImageExtension |
-ImageDir <value> |
-ID |
not required if the image file name includes the folder, RR splits it automatically |
-ImageExtension <value> |
-IE |
not required if the image file name includes the folder, RR splits it automatically |
-ImageChannel <value> |
-IC |
Add an image channel. Full path with extension required. |
-ImageFramePadding <value> |
-IFP |
-ImageWidth <value> |
-IW |
-ImageHeight <value> |
-IH |
-ImageSingleOutputFile <value> |
-ISO |
Is the output file a single file? (Quicktime, .avi, . wmv) Set value to "1" or "true". |
-PreID <value> |
-PID |
A value between 0 and 255. Each job gets the Pre ID attached as small letter to the main ID. It is the the small letter at the end of the ID. If you submit multiple jobs that are from the same scene or should be shown as the same submission, then you should always use a preID. Increase it with every submission of that scene. The jobs are visually connected due to a similar{ID} and you can group them in rrControl. |
-WaitForPreID <value> |
-WID |
When the job is received by the server, the server checks for other jobs send from the machine in the last 15 minutes. The server then gets the latest job with the same PreID as the WaitForPreID. This jobs waits for the other job. Note: This flag can be used multiple times to wait for different jobs. |
-WaitForWholeID <value> |
The job will wait for the job with the job ID <value>. The job ID has to be from any existing job in the queue. The ID is a 64bit number. There are two ways to get the ID of jobs:
Note: This flag can be used multiple times to wait for different jobs. |
-SeqStart <value> |
-QS |
-SeqEnd <value> |
-QE |
-SeqStep <value> |
-QP |
-SeqFileOffset <value> |
-QFO |
-OverrideImageFormat <value> |
-OIF |
Some render applications just work if you change the -ImageExtension to a different format. But others not, they require a special commandline flag to override the image format. <value> does not mean that you just enter the extension .exr or .sgi. As there can be sgi 8 or 16 bit. Exr half, float... Please check your render config of the renderer you use RR\render_apps\_config\... Search for "OverrideImageFormat". If is in the commandline, you can use/have to use this flag. Next step is to check for the <value>. This should either be covered in the help files of the render application or you can search if the render configs already includes presets for possible overrides. (Presets are set in the config file that you can see them in a dropdown at rrSubmitter) Search for "ImageTypes=". The specification of this line is "ImageTypes= name ~ flag ~ extension". Use flag for -OverrideImageFormat <value>. Example: ImageTypes= SGI 16bit~ sgi16 ~sgi -OverrideImageFormat sgi16 |
-IsActive <value> |
-IA |
If set, then alll jobs are sended. Only required for UI submitter or if the scene was read by a scene-parser. |
-Software <value> |
-S |
Render application name. E.g. Softimage, Maya, Nuke |
-Renderer <value> |
-R |
-Version <value> |
-V |
Version of the render application. E.g. 2010, 7.5, 7.01, 3, 3.454 |
-BitRestriction <value> |
-BR |
Restricts the bit of the executed render application. Possible values are: 32, 64, all |
-DateSend <DD.MM.YY> |
-DS |
Override for the "Date Send" value of the job |
-CustomXXXX YYYY |
Adds a custom string to the job data. XXXX can be any name you want to have. |
-LocalTexturesFile |
Sets the localtex file for the job. Localtex files are used by the rrClient to copy files to the RR_Localdata/textures folder. |
[Submitter Option Default Values]
You can override any of the Submitter options via commandline.
Commandline parameter examples:
Changing the Project Name:
Long: rrSubmitterconsole myscene.scn "CompanyProjectName=0~myProjectName"
Short: rrSubmitterconsole myscene.scn "CPN=0~myProjectName"
Changing the assigned client group:
Long: rrSubmitterconsole myscene.scn "DefaultClientGroup=0~SoftimageGroup"
Short: rrSubmitterconsole myscene.scn "DCG=0~myProjectName"
Changing the color of the job:
Long: rrSubmitterconsole myscene.scn "Color_ID=0~5"
Short: rrSubmitterconsole myscene.scn "C_ID=0~5"
Changing the Scene/Shot/Version of the job:
Long: rrSubmitterconsole myscene.scn "CustomSCeneName=1~Title" "CustomSHotName=1~02" "CustomVersionName=1~23b"
Short: rrSubmitterconsole myscene.scn "CSCN=0~Title" "CSHN=0~02" "CVN=0~23b"
For more information, please see this help page Submitter defaults.
About "Short name": Each commandline parameter has a long and short name.
The short name is the combination of all upper-case letters, underscores _ and hyphen -.
Allow Change:
Each submitter config parameter has an "Allow Change (AC)" setting, which is the first 1/0 after the =.
If you use the commandline submitter, then you should set it to 0.
It means that it has to be used and cannot be changed further by the submitter.
(It usually does not, but perhaps there are other affecting settings in other config files)
[-debug <SubmitterOption>]
If you need to debug why a job option is set, you can add these commandline flags -debug <SubmitterOption> to your rrSubmitter commandline.
You may even add it to the rrSubmitter start scripts (.bat .sh) in the RR root folder to debug plugin submissions ( like rrSubmit in Maya).
The rrSubmitter writes a log file into RR/sub_artist/log/.
<SubmitterOption> is the name of a Submitter Option (without any spaces in the name).
-debug MaxCrashes
-debug GPUrequired
Special debug names:
-debug Clients
-debug SeqDiv
Test your commandline
If you want to test your commandline and if all options are set right (especially the Submitter Options), then you should try it with the UI version, the rrSubmitter instead.
The rrSubmitter takes exactly the same commandline flags, but you can directly see which options are set and which not.
Example commandlines
Archive Render (.mi, .rib, .ifd)
To automatically submit an archive render sequence (.ifd, .mi, .rib) files, you only need to specify one file of the sequence as scene name.
So it would be
rrSubmitterconsole \\fileserver\share\projects\some_job\shots\101\ifd\render\frame_001.ifd
If you want to submit two jobs, but the second one has to wait for the first one:
rrSubmitterconsole [mySceneA] -PreID 1
rrSubmitterconsole [mySceneB] -PreID 2 -WaitForID 1
Short version:
rrSubmitterconsole [mySceneA] -PID 1
rrSubmitterconsole [mySceneB] -PID 2 -WID 1 #
XSI scene
The scene reader of the rrSubmitter can only read .scntoc files, not .scn files, so you either have to:
1) Use the .scntoc as scene flag. The sceneparser plugin can read all Basic Scene Information from the .scntoc.
This is pretty simple:
rrSubmitterconsole [yourScene].scntoc
2) Use the .scn file as scene flag and tell the rrSubmitter all Basic Scene Information (image output, extension, sequence start/end) via the commandline.
rrSubmitterconsole [yourScene].scn -Layer PassName -ImageDir \\Fileserver\Share\outDir -ImageFileName beauty. -ImageExtension .pic -SeqStart 1 -SeqEnd 150 -SeqStep 1
Short version:
rrSubmitterconsole [yourScene].scn -L PassName -ID \\Fileserver\Share\outDir -IF beauty. -IE .pic -QS 1 -QE 150 -QP 1