
Scripts are commandlines or python scripts that are executed before/after an event.





On Submission

The python scripts are called right before the jobs are send to the rrServer


Access/Edit/Create via rrSubmitter menu Scripts



These commandlines are executed on one client before any frame is rendered.




Executed after the job has rendered the Preview Frames.




Executed after all frames are rendered.




This is almost the same as "Post". The only difference is that the "Wait for Job Approval" is between these two script. The approval has to be enabled in rrConfig for all jobs.

Then a job waits after the Post-script for an approval by an user. After the job was approved, the Finished-Script is executed.

If you have not enabled approval, then Finished-Scripts are the same as Post-Scripts.



There are some script available by default with RR:


This is an example python script. It has no use.

Sequence Check

Executes rrSequenceCheck. rrSequencecheck checks for broken images, crops exr files and creates cache files for the rrViewer. If this was not already done at render time by the rrClient.

Create Full Video

Creates a Quicktime of the rendered image sequence in full resolution.

See rrCreateVideo for options you can change.

Create Small Video

Creates a Quicktime of the rendered image sequence in a smaller resolution.

See rrCreateVideo for options you can change.


This is an example post-script that sends a new job based on the output of this job.

The new job is a conversion job that converts the output of this job into a quicktime.

The reason the conversion is not done in this post-script is that the qtTools used to create the quicktime are only available on OSX, but this job could be a Linux or Windows job. Therefore a new job is send to OSX clients only.

Delete broken

If the Client or rrSequenceCheck finds broken images, then these images are renamed "broken_..". Just in case you are using a special image format that is not known to RR. This script deletes these "broken_" images.

Delete Job

The commandline calls a Python script that sends the rrServer a command to delete this job.