Tile Frame

Each frame is tiled into multiple slices.

Then each client gets a slice of the image to render.

After all images are rendered, a post-script rrAssembletiles creates the full resolution images.

Send Disabled

Overheats your whole render farm that your CPU and RAM burns and your machines have to shut down.
Which disables your ability to render any job any more in the next time.
Or perhaps it just send the job in "disabled" state. 
Which means it does not start to render until you enable it.

Do Not Show Preview Jpegs

Does not create the preview images you see in rrControl for each job.

If you want to enable this setting because you have confidential renders that should not be seen by a different department, then there is a better way:
Remove users the right to view jobs of others instead OR better enable the option that users cannot see jobs if they cannot access the output folder.

At last, have to enable the setting "Encode preview images".
(All settings are available in rrConfig, menu Server, tab rrLogins).

So you still get preview images, but only own jobs you are allowed to see in rrControl.

Keep Scene Open

The scene file is kept open in case the same scene has more frames to render.

Default non-KSO mode behavior:

The scene is loaded and closed for every frame segment of a job.

If 50 frames are send to a client with Sequence Divide 10/10, the client loads and closes the scene 5 times.


  • The client gets a job: Scene X123 frame 10-19.
  • Client starts Maya, loads Scene X123 and renders 10 frames.
  • Maya closes after the frames are done.
  • The client gets a job: Scene X123 frame 20-29. 

  • Client starts Maya, loads Scene X123 and renders 10 frames.
  • Maya closes after the frames are done.
  •    .
  •    .
  •    . 

KSO mode behavior:

The scene is loaded and closed once (at best).

If 50 frames are send to a client, the client loads and closes the scene 1 time (no matter the Sequence Divide setting).

The scene is closed if a different job is send.


  • The client gets a job: Scene X123 frame 10-19.
  • Client starts Maya, loads Scene X123
  • Client tells Maya to rendr render 10 frames.
  • Maya is NOT closed, the scene is still loaded.
  • The client gets a job: Scene X123 frame 20-29. 

  • Client tells Maya to render 10 frames.
  •    .
  •    .
  •    . 

  • The client gets a new job. Scene Y983.
  • The job is different, Scene X123 is closed.
  •    .
  •    . 

Allow Local Scene Copy

The client is allowed to cache the scene file locally.

See Local Data Folder.

Allow Texture Replacement

The client is allowed to replace texture paths inside the scene file (Local Scene Copy required).

This setting is required for Cross OS rendering and the Local Texture Feature.

Allow Local Render Out

See help files about the Local Data Folder.

Linear Color

All images shown in the job preview or in rrViewer are corrected with a gamma 2.2. 

Use this if you render linear.

This setting has no effect if your job has OCIO settings.


CropEXR has 3 advantages:

1. CropEXR save EXR files that are cropped to the data.

You often render a small object separately on a black background.

Saving all these empty black pixels is a waste of file space.

Cropped EXR are smaller and therefore load way faster in your compositing.

2. The files are converted into scanline files, which are faster to load in compositing applications.

3. If you use Nuke 8, then enable "Convert to EXR 2.0 Multi-Part images" in rrConfig, tab Image.
This has an huge effect if you render Exr files with many render layers/elements (e.g. beauty, AO,  specular, ...)

If you load one layer/element from an Exr v1.0 files in Nuke, then Nuke has to load all layers, it loads the whole file.

If you load one layer/element from an Exr v2.0 files in Nuke, then Nuke loads only the required layer.

CropEXR runs in two stages:

1. The client checks the main render output of the job and does the crop for the frames it has just rendered. If local render out is active, then it is done while the image file is copied to your fileserver.

2. The rrSequenceCheck runs as post-script on all output files of all channels and crops them.

So no matter if a client was able to crop the channel, it is cropped now.

Multi OS Scenes

This tells RR that the scene file you submit is either a scene that works on all OS or that you have prepared multiple scenes for each OS.

Create multiple scenes per OS:

If you want to create a scene per OS, then you have to follow a few naming rules.

For Example: You submit from windows and want to render on Windows and Linux.

Then you submit your Windows scene file with the default scene name you use, in this example MyScene.scn.

As you submit from Windows, MyScene.scn has to be the Windows scene.

For Linux, you need to create a scene file MyScene_lx.scn. (The strings you have to add for the different OS are "_win", "_lx" and "_mac").

rrSubmitter creates scenes per OS automatically:

If you have not enabled this "Multi OS Scenes" setting, but you have submitted a scene from windows and assigned Linux Clients, then RR tries to create a scene file for the other OS.

The way depends on the "Allow Local Scene Copy" setting.

  • "Allow Local Scene Copy" enabled:
    The rrClient copies the scene file at render time.
    All texture paths in the scene file are then converted to the OS.
  • "Allow Local Scene Copy" disabled:
    At submission, the rrSubmitter creates MyScene_win.scn, MyScene_lx.scn or MyScene_mac.scn scene files. 
    It replaces the paths in each scene file.

Note: This (texture) path replacement is available for all render applications. You have to submit a test job to check if all works with your render application.

No Process Tree Check

By default, the rrClient checks all processes that are started by the render application.

As long as one of the processes is running, the Client will wait until it finished its execution.

If you enable this setting, then the client executes the render config and waits until these commandlines have been executed.

But if these commandlines start an external application which do not halt the render config execution, then the client does not wait for these processes.

Overwrite Existing Files

This settings should not be set by you.

It is set by the rrSubmitter question "Render Output files found, would you like to keep, delete or overwrite the images".

Distribute Start to End

This setting should only be enabled for simulation jobs that have to be rendered one after another.

It should not be enabled for default render jobs.

Log Render Workload

After a client finishes its render segment, it exports a time table with information about CPU, GPU, Memory and Network Traffic information.
It can be used to anaylse why your render is slower than expected.

Do not export into HistoryDB

The job is not exported into the HistoryDB once deleted.


Sets a color for the job to visualize it in rrControl/rrWebsite.

Re-Execute Job After Hours

Once the job reached its "finished" state, the rrServer resets the job and sets the "Start After" value.

The job will then start in x hours again.

User Name

Name of the user that has send the job.

User Info

You can enter any notice you want to display with the job.