Submitter settings


Presets for the image size selection at the submitter.

The format is

Display Name ~ Width ~ Height


Presets for the image type selection at the submitter. This setting is used for the dropdown box display only.

It does not affect the rrSubmitterconsole with the commandline flag -OverrideImageFormat in any way.

The format is

DisplayName ~ flag ~ fileextension

Some render applications just work if you change the imageextension to a different format.

But others not, they require a special commandline flag to override the image format.

The render commandline need to include an "OverrideImageFormat" switch.

Next step is to check for the "commandlineParameter".

This should either be covered in the help files of the render application

or you can search if the render configs already includes presets for possible overrides. (Presets are set in the config file that you can see them in a dropdown at rrSubmitter)

Search for "ImageTypes=". The specification of this line is "ImageTypes= name ~ flag ~ extension". Use flag for -OverrideImageFormat <value>.


ImageTypes= SGI 16bit~ sgi16 ~sgi

-OverrideImageFormat sgi16


Presets for additional commandline parameter at the submitter.

The commandline parameter will then be in your render commandline.

Note: also see CustomOptions in the description of the Submitter Defaults File.They can be used in render config files.

Submitter default values

You can use any parameter that you can use the in the Submitter Default Files.


- Most of the applications must have "Sequence divide enabled".

- You want "Render preview first" disabled for compising jobs by default.